Recruiting internally is an efficient and cost-effective way of filling vacancies. While it may not be a long-term strategy for sustained business growth, it does help to motivate employees and to create a sense that there are opportunities to progress. Particularly in sectors like construction, airports and railways, internal recruitment can help to eradicate gaps and ensure the smooth running of operations. So, what does internal recruitment look like? How can it be used effectively to benefit your business? We’ve listed the most common forms of internal recruitment below.

1. Internal promotions

Promoting existing staff into more senior positions is probably the most common form of internal recruitment. Sometimes, companies only advertise vacancies internally, hoping to progress the careers and skillsets of their own employees. This will involve less onboarding time, as the promoted employee will already know the company and how it works. This is helpful in industrial sectors, where the need to get up to speed quickly is vital. Furthermore, if employees are aware of opportunities for promotion, this also helps to motivate the workforce and maximise effort.

2. Transfers across teams

Businesses use this method as a way of shaking things up and creating a more integrated workforce. Industries such as rail find this useful, as they often need to move team members to other emergency projects on short notice. The problem with this, however, is that it can leave gaps in the team. Businesses could find themselves stretching themselves too thin. It’s preferable, therefore, to recruit externally and strengthen the workforce.

3. Promote apprentices to full-time employees

Apprenticeships are invaluable to the construction and electrical sectors. In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways of getting new, young people into the industries. As such, one of the most popular forms of internal recruitment is turning these apprentices into full-time employees when their apprenticeship is finished. Businesses like this option, as the apprentice will be keen to impress, and could offer new ways of doing things.

4. Enlisting retired employees for part-time work

This is something that happens quite commonly in many sectors. Retired employees who have spent decades in a company are often invited back, either to do part-time work, or in a consultative role. However, this is obviously not a good long-term recruitment plan. The employee may be a familiar face, but overuse of this tactic could lead to stagnation of the company culture. To keep the company progressing and improving, recruiting fresh blood is the best way to go.

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If you’re looking for your next profession, whether it’s temporary, fixed-term, or a permanent position, or if you require skilled, experienced, and reliable operatives, PPR Recruitment is your one-stop solution. Give one of our knowledgeable and friendly recruitment experts a call on 01895 808188 for further information on the benefits of internal recruitment. For anything else, contact us online or send an email to