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Our best tips to kick starting a new career during difficult times

opportunities, News, employment...

Covid-19 has had a catastrophic affect on the UK’s employment market, with virtually no industry left unscathed. Whether you have been furloughed, made redundant, or had to close your business down, we have compiled our top tips to help you get your career back on track.

Enrol with a recruitment agency

It goes without saying, the most important action to take to kick start your new career, is to enrol with a recruitment agency. Do your research and pick one with years of experience in your chosen field of work. At PPR, we have extensive experience in placing candidates in roles across the rail, construction, and airline industry.  Our in-depth industry knowledge and expertise gives us a panoramic view of industry sectors and ensures we create perfect matches for our clients and candidates. Not only can we connect you with the best companies in the industry, we can connect you with the largest projects too. Covering an impressive area from Essex to Kent and throughout Greater London, we are the market leading company to register with.

Enrol on online courses

If you are currently furloughed or have been temporarily laid off, make the most of your spare time by enrolling on online courses. Learning new key skills, or refreshing existing ones, will pay dividends and make you more appealing to prospective employers. Many companies are offering free online courses too! Even if there isn’t a relevant work-related online course, why not do some learning for fun? Learning will give your day some structure and increase your self-confidence.

Login and attend online webinars

When you find yourself temporarily outside of the workplace, it’s easy to lose touch with working practices.  To keep up to date with any changes within your industry you should attend relevant online webinars. Webinars are a constant source of ideas and inspiration and will help you stay ahead of your competition. They might also provide you with an invaluable contact.

Update your CV

Your CV is often the first opportunity a potential employer will get, to find out about you. It is therefore vital your CV is up to date and tailored to the positions you are seeking. Use your free time to carefully check your CV for spelling and grammar. Likewise make sure it is easy to read and interesting. Remember to include any qualifications or training you have undertaken. Also make sure to include any relevant examples that can showcase your life-experience skillset too. Don’t make your CV too long, a maximum of 2 pages is all that is needed.

Use social media to search for network new opportunities

To maximise your chances of securing a new position, it is important to network! Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to advertise you are seeking employment. You never who might be able to help. Remember when seeking employment, potential employers can view your posts, so always keep them appropriate!

Are you looking for a new career? PPR is one of the UK’s leading technical recruitment businesses providing contract and permanent staffing solutions, if you’d like to find out more about working with one of the industries we support, contact PPR today. Call us on 01895 80 81 88, send us a message online and upload your CV today.